
E-Signature for all your processes, documents and contracts.

We know that many document flows are “digitalized” until the time comes to sign and it gets printed. At Despapeliza we have different e-signature models, capable of integrating with all types of tools and platforms, complementing your processes and achieving a truly 100% digital workflow.

+ 5 types


90% reduction

in times of collection of signatures

Certified e-signatures

and validated internationally

Source system document

Integration via API, learn more here

Document storage system

We have the right model for each process

Remote E-Signature

Remote e-signature model that allows signing contracts, receipts and different documents from anywhere, eliminating geographical barriers both within the country and with international third parties.

This is the simplest model, where third parties receive the e-signature notification via email and allows the process to be carried out without the need for a user. If additional validation is required, a code can be sent via SMS to the signer’s phone, which must be entered when carrying out the signing process.

Remote e-signatureSMS

Massive E-signature

This model is the ideal one to simplify the management of your agents, legal representatives and managers, thanks to the fact that it allows you to e-sign large volumes of documents, in just minutes and on a massive scale.

In-person esignature on device

This type of e-signature is one that is carried out in a face-to-face context, on a mobile device that allows the digital e-signature to be read and made, in front of a responsible person and capturing different security elements.

On-device e-signature allows for the capture of biometric data, the possibility of signing offline and for users to e-sign on the spot without complications or technological barriers.

E-Sign inmobile device

Hire only what you need

In the format of e-signature packages and identity validation packages, you can purchase only what you need based on your e-signature volumes and profiles with different roles, integrating a combination of products that adapts to your flows.

All packages are valid for 1 year

Security in each e-signature

Legal Evidence via QR

All e-signatures made on the Legale platform are accompanied by a QR code that allows access to the legal evidence of the document and its signing process.

Among the data displayed on the portal, we highlight the unique document number, the signatory’s data, the location and IP address of the actions performed and the finished document downloadable in PDF format.

Accredited and certified e-signatures

Our firms operate within the framework of the electronic e-signature laws of different countries in Latin America and the United States, you can find the details by country Our firms operate within the framework of the electronic e-signature laws of different countries in Latin America and the United States, you can find the details by country here.

In addition, Legale e-signatures are validated by Adobe and belong to the EUTL (European Union Trusted List).


Some features of our e-sigantures


Add an additional security measure to your processes by hiring geolocation that allows you to know the location of the signer at the time of carrying out the process.

User account

To e-sign with Legale, the counterparty does not need to have a user or create an account to carry out the e-signature, nor to receive a copy of the signed document in their email.


Identity validations

We have different identity validation methods to ensure that the signer is who they say they are. Choose between validations by selfie, video or ID.


The e-signature flow in our solutions was developed to be an intuitive and easy-to-follow process for users with different levels of digital experience.